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Hello, Mittler's speaking: and you're welcome to my blog.
I'm a true nudist and exhibitionist (not the guy who walks along the parks in his trench and socks: not into kids, nor their mamas). Enough said: come visit me, this blog is meant to be mantained and updated - both with pics of mine and my friends, and of some hot people I see on The Net. Have lots of fun. |
Benvenuto nel mio blog: qui Mittler.
Il nome del blog la dice lunga sui miei interessi sessuali: sono un autentico esibizionista, la mia pratica sessuale preferita è la masturbazione, ma di certo non disdegno il sesso orale nei due sensi. Per il resto beh parliamone. ...direi che possa bastare, per questa introduzione: qui pubblicherò foto sia mie e di miei amici, che di altri uomini trovati in giro per la Rete. Se il mio blog ti piace, torna spesso a farmi visita: l'ho aperto non certo per lasciarlo ammuffire. Buona visione. |
Monday, January 4, 2010
Dad takes a fishing trip
The latest Joe Gage's DVD
I'd like to thank Mr. Gage for all the many wanks that i've enjoyed watching his movies: starting from the trilogy: Kansas city, L.A and El Paso.
And then:
-Closed Set (the first porn dvd that i bought via the net);
-Handsome and Heatstroke. Richard Locke and Roy Garret: mmmmmm ... (PPP: Peace, Pleasure and Penises in their heavens);
-Sex file 1, 3 and 4 (I've never found the second file, but last spring I've been lucky to find a rare copy of the N.4, in NY);
-Chainsaw, Barnstorm, Alabama Takedown, Arcade, Bakersfield Station, Gale Force;
-Up to my favourites: Toulsa County Line and Campus pizza
Thanx Mr. Joe!
Order the DVD at